
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Baby Strong!

Are you struggling to find time to exercise while having a little one in the house?  If you have a tiny person that is always with you, incorporate him or her into your exercise routine!  Playing...I mean exercising... with your sweetheart is a great activity for both of you. 

Your body is made to move.  Oftentimes, a baby in the house can make it feel too difficult to exercise, and we allow ourselves to become sedentary.  BUT, we need exercise and activity to feel GOOD and be healthy for our little ones.  So, let's get to it!!
Not sure if your body or your baby is ready for these exercises? Please take the time to chat with your doctor. :) 

Want a printable with all these exercises on one page? Try this one!

In health,

Photo Credits: Molly Baker

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