
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fitness Motivation for Pregnancy

When your body aches, twitches, and seemingly balloons to accommodate the new life inside you, exercise and a healthy lifestyle isn’t always on the forefront of your mind.  While there are some prego mommies that love pregnancy and feel amazing the entire time (and I hope you’re one of them!!), there are those of us that often feel less than stellar.  However, a fit pregnancy enables us to feel stronger and more energetic now, with additional benefits presenting themselves during labor, delivery, and enjoying your little one after he/she arrives!  PLUS, it is much easier to get back into a regular fitness routine (and your pre-baby clothes!) after delivery if you have been working out during your pregnancy. 

So, how can you dispel the urge to eat ice cream and watch movies all day on the couch in your pajamas?  Strive to keep a regular schedule for yourself, even during the weekends whenever possible.  Whether a stay at home mom or a working professional, a schedule can be key to keeping yourself on track and fitting in fitness.  Unless you really need to sleep in each morning (because you can’t get to bed earlier), get up! Whether you head to the shower first or outdoors for a walk, moving (even slowly) will help you keep moving throughout the day.  An object in motion tends to stay in motion, right?! As our bodies get larger throughout pregnancy, getting past the inertia can be extremely difficult, but earning that bowl of ice cream at the end of the day can feel downright fabulous.
In addition to keeping a schedule for your day, keep your expectations realistic.  Doctors believe that starting a rigorous fitness routine while pregnant is not a healthy idea for you or your baby.  However, most doctors encourage soon-to-be moms to walk at least a few days each week, unless there are other limiting factors.  How long or how far? Start with 10 minutes and see how you do. If your ankles swell up badly and you feel awful, rest and talk to your doctor again.  If 10 minutes feels too short, tack on another 10. Make sure to stay hydrated and don’t allow yourself to get overheated. 
As you set up your schedule, try to add in fitness throughout your day.  Oftentimes, as pregnant women we don’t have a lot of energy to expend at one time.  Getting up in the morning for some pregnancy-friendly stretching and core exercises, taking a walk at lunchtime with your coworkers, and heading outside after dinner to work in the yard are ways to coordinate fitness into your day.  Your goal is to enjoy the energy boosts throughout the day and win the fight against a sedentary pregnancy.  Oh, and when you’re out walking you are that much further from the refrigerator and television… J

As you go through your pregnancy, it’s realistic to have days when you are sick and tired, both emotionally and physically.  Pregnancy tends to throw curveballs.  If you don’t join in with your fitness DVD on each of those days, it will be ok.  However, just because you had a bad day today, doesn’t mean tomorrow cannot and will not be better.  Get back on schedule, be realistic and keep going!

*Please remember to check with your doctor or midwife about your specific fitness needs and recommendations throughout your pregnancy. These suggestions and ideas may not be beneficial for you and your growing child.

Photo used with permission from Microsoft

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